LeaderSHIFT Institute: Ministry Courses


Armor Bearers Certification
Bishop Randy Borders
Sun 3

The Senior Pastor carries a heavy load of responsibility for the church and the people they lead. An Armorbearer is a person who walks with, holds up and protects the Senior Pastor and does whatever is necessary to fulfill and bring their vision to pass. This session will equip those called to this ministry to serve in excellence.

At the Altar: Altar Workers Certification Class
Elder Vonna Jones
This class is designed to provide practical teaching and instruction on the role and responsibility of the altar worker. The teachings will include effective ways to cover the invitation to discipleship and flow for deliverance. This 3-day course is required as a component of the Full Gospel Elders Certification. Scholars in this session may not register for other classes.

Christianity, Culture, & Ethnicity—Separating Fact from Fiction
Bishop Scott L. Volland
St. George #112
This class is designed to educate, equip, and empower both clergy and laity alike, to better understand some of the differences and nuances within Christianity, culture, and ethnicity. Participants will learn how to more effectively reach out to, attract, and minister to people/groups outside of their own culture base to more accurately reflect our diverse communities, and the wonderful diversity of the Kingdom of God!

Courageous Conversations with God
Bishop William Murphy Jr.
Prayer is essential in the life of the believer and yet most only tap into this privilege in times of crisis. Understanding the various forms, postures and strategies of prayer will empower us to walk victoriously through every season and phase of life.

Faith, Philanthropy and Your Bottom Line
Elder Juanita Sheppard.
While the modern church has seen some progress in the areas of worship, educational pedagogy, and community outreach strategies, one area left uncharted within the faith community is in the field of philanthropy. This course will offer an introduction to philanthropic best practices and provide participants with key elements to consider in strengthening your donor base at every age and stage of life.

Financially Free: The Key to Growing from Little to Much
Elder Donell Smith
Are you ready to break free from the pressure of living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you have big dreams but can’t seem to get ahead because there is more month than money? This session will provide a Biblically-based practical application to guide you in your journey of becoming financially free and turning your little into much so that you move towards the life you envision.

Gift, Come Forth!
Bishop Nathaniel Gomillion
Need Classroom Assignment
Who told you? That is the question. The answer is there is more to you than what you have imagined, what people have perceived and what others think. This session will offer an expository teaching of the ministries of Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12. Pastors and leaders grow your ministry as you develop the gift of each member.

Head to Hem
Bishop William Murphy, III
Orange Blossom Ballroom
This class will highlight how to ensure the sound of the fellowship flows from head (international) to hem (local church) as order demands glory.

Living Full in the Spirit While Caring for Your Soul
Bishop Duane Tisdale
Sun 4-6
We may be Spirit-filled and physically fit, but if we ignore the dynamics of the soul we may be surprised by what lurks in the crevices of our hearts. This session will provide tips for living a well-balanced life.

Minding Your Business
Overseer Patrick Wayne Sanders, Sr.
There are many examples of biblical business models that provide us with a framework in launching our God-given ideas. This session will provide you with the necessary tools to begin the process of becoming your own CEO.

Report to the Office
Dr. Todd Hall
Sun B
This class will show how authentic gifting must have an office to report to in-order to become official.  It will also instruct the student on the importance of accountability of your gift as well as enlighten you on the true function, operation and responsibilities of that gift.

Senior Pastors
Overseer Craig Oliver
Sun A
This course is designed to provide senior pastors with transformative best practices that will inform and enhance their unique context of ministry and equip them for effective service. We will consider the practical application of Kingdom principles according to the customized framework of the senior pastor. Discussions will include real-world examples and interactive engagement between class facilitator and participants.

Teaching that Transforms
Bishop Cheryl Brown
St. George #114
This two-year intensive will prepare educators to critically contemplate and articulate the value of Biblical doctrine and it’s relevancy to cultural context in this present age. Required for all instructors at the international, regional, state and local levels. Only delegates currently enrolled in Cohort 1, Cohort 2 or Cohort 3 are eligible to enroll in this 3-day intensive. NOTE: Scholars in this session may not register for other classes. The next Cohort for new students will begin in 2021.

What Did Jesus Really Say?
Dr. Dwayne R. Cook
Sun D
Are you ready for the challenge? This session explore apologetics and the dynamics of faith in this present-day. This session will specifically explore the documented word spoken by Christ and what we can learn from His teachings.